On a bustling second day of the Sharjah Animation Conference (SAC), a highlight was a sold-out workshop featuring the renowned Disney animator, Nik Ranieri. Known for his iconic character designs such as Hades from “Hercules,” Lumiere from “Beauty and the Beast,” and the unforgettable lead character in “Wreck-It Ralph,“ Ranieri shared his extensive experience and insights with attendees, offering a unique glimpse into the world of animation and character design. Inspiring creative journeys within attendees The workshop, titled “Creation of Classic Characters,” kicked off with Ranieri recounting his journey into the world of animation. From his early days as a…
Author: Kashan Tumsil
Producing an anime of the scale and quality of the Netflix series Pluto was a big challenge, said Masao Maruyama, the octogenarian Japanese producer who adapted Naoki Urasawa’s manga comic, at a talk titled “Exploring the Universe of Pluto: Unveiling the masterpiece from Manga to Anime” during the Sharjah Animation Conference (SAC), happening at Expo Centre Sharjah until May 5. Maruyama, the co-founder of Madhouse, MAPPA and Studio M2, said the manga style is very special and author Urasawa had asked him to improve the scale and quality of his production which had made him set up Studio M2. “I…
Books and libraries are here to stay despite the overarching influence of the digital world and the emotional connection with physical books cannot be replaced by hand-held devices, agreed three distinguished personalities involved with books and libraries at the 15th edition of the Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival (SCRF) that is taking place in Expo Centre Sharjah. Moderated by radio presenter Louis Denham, the panel discussion “The Importance of Libraries in Promoting Academic Success” had Sohini Mitra, Penguin Random House India publisher of Children and Young Adult books; Cathy Camper, Arab-American author, librarian and artist; and Flora Majdalawi, Jordan-based author and…
A lively buzz of creativity hummed through the air at the Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival (SCRF 2024) on Friday as children as young as eight transformed into budding authors at the Wooden Books workshop. With vibrant imaginations in full swing, the young writers crafted tales that stretched from African savannas to the bustling cities of the UAE. One eager young author, ten-year-old Isra Mohammed from Sharjah, was filling the pages of her book with her story of Layla, a warm-hearted African elephant on a quest for friendship in unfamiliar lands. “Layla is very kind and friendly. She’s come all…
Aspiring young chefs had their fill of culinary adventure and fun with cheese and dough as they learnt how to make pizza muffins as part of a cookery workshop at the 15th annual Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival (SCRF) on Friday. “This was meant to be a hands-on, cheesy, and yet utterly fun adventure in the world of culinary creativity for the young visitors,” said instructor Lamia Msallam who showed the select group of children how to make pizza muffins from scratch with dough and add their favourite toppings. “Cooking is not only a valuable life skill but also a wonderful…
An interesting and kid-friendly version of the famous Japanese sushi has been a highlight of the cookery workshops at the 15th edition of the Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival (SCRF), whose 15th annual edition is running until May 12 in Expo Centre Sharjah. Armed with rolling pins, over a dozen young chefs set about flattening bread slices after chopping off their crust; then they squirted blobs of cream cheese on each slice and spread it to make the perfect bed for a thin slice of cucumber, sprinkled zaatar to spice up the rendition before rolling and securing it with a toothpick.…
The Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival (SCRF), a highlight in the UAE’s annual cultural calendar, has returned for its 15th edition. Spanning 12 days and boasting over 1,500 activities, this festival runs until May 12 and promises an unforgettable experience at the Expo Centre Sharjah. Here are five reasons why you should attend SCRF this weekend: A theatrical wonderland: The SCRF transcends the typical reading festival by offering a rich tapestry of sensory delights. This weekend, immerse yourself in the enchanting world of theatre with performances that promise to mesmerise. Enjoy the melodious voice of Arab sensation Rasha Rizk as…
Menassah Distribution Company and the UAE Board on Books for Young People (UAEBBY) have signed a memorandum of understanding to gain access to the list of winning books from the Etisalat Children’s Book Award, organised by the Board and sponsored by E&, the world’s leading technology and investment group. This agreement aims to forge partnerships for distributing these award-winning books, thereby improving accessibility for children and young people within and beyond the United Arab Emirates. The signing took place during the Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival (SCRF) 2024, continuing until May 12 at the Expo Center Sharjah. The agreement grants Menassah…
The 12-day Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival has dedicated a series of talks to the well-being of children It’s no accident that bookstores are now showcasing an array of colouring and sketching books, each championing its benefits as a powerful stress reliever. Art indeed serves a critical role in personal healing, a sentiment echoed by panellists at the Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival (SCRF) on Thursday. Discussing the myriad benefits of engaging in art, and encouraging children to explore various artistic mediums throughout their educational journey, Dr Sama’a Al Hashimi, a distinguished writer and academic from Bahrain, stated, “Art can significantly…
Reliving the Red Riding Hood adventure turned out to be a fun and healthy ride for children attending the cookery session titled “Little Red Riding Hood’s Nature Feast” at the 15th edition of the Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival (SCRF), the largest celebration of knowledge, creativity, art and innovation of its kind in the region, now taking place in Expo Centre Sharjah. Preparing a healthy meal in an interactive culinary experience under the guidance of chef Svetlana Kuzvetsova and eating it too was all that 6-10 year olds could ask for. Participants explored nature’s bounty – lettuce, cucumber, yellow capsicum and…